Div 1 Sabre - PH Entries

Initial PHS 
Gidget Gibson Crabman (GG) SABRE 1749GG 0.820
James Fordyce Loitering with intent 1760 0.828
Sean O'Brien Queens Boulevard SABRE 1771 0.897
Simon Kudnig White Knight SABRE 1809 0.882
Robert Evans Unplugged SABRE 1829 0.904
Kirsten Binns Smith SeaSpell SABRE 1895 0.895
Shaun McKenna Tactigal SABRE 1946 0.900
Chris Masters Hindsight SABRE 2020 0.900
Jacqui Lawson Knot My Problem SABRE 2035 0.914
Andrew Graham Crisis ? What Crisis ? SABRE 2050 0.908
John Petschel AquaHolic SABRE 2070 0.913
Mark Hughes Lime & Tonic 2097 0.861
Mark Hughes Lime & Tonic SABRE 2097 0.910
Hayden Llewellyn Bora Blue 2120 0.808
Peter Neil Needle SABRE 2136 0.885
Martin Kudnig White Noise SABRE 2166 0.900
Erin Fitzpatrick Espy 2202 0.837
Garrath James Sea Eagle 2216 0.760
Gerard Magner Sgt. Zippo SABRE 2220 0.899
Geoff Smith SeaQuest SABRE 2225 0.921
Alister Danks Azul SABRE 2227 0.941
Kurt Gysi Aqua Therapy SABRE 2238 0.828

Number of entries: 22

Results by SailingResults.net  Created 10 Feb 2025 03:04