Scoring Enquiry

Number: 4

Race NumberRace 1
DivisionWind Foiling
Sail NumberAUS 420
Boat Name
Skipper's NameSamantha Costin
Sail Number of boat
finishing in front of me
AUS 1171
Sail Number of boat
finishing behind me

Date/Time Received10 Dec 2020 14:49
RequestThe results for race 1 have me finishing in 12th when I finished behind AUS 1171, which would place my in 10th for the first race. Shane Smith witnessed the standings for the finish, and can attest to these results. AUS 1171 also witnessed me finish behind him. AUS 199 only completed 2 laps and therefore didn't finish the race in 10th Shane Smith's phone number is 0413 909 000. AUS 1171 - Hamish Swain phone number is 0456 414 813
Response from RCResolved.
Response ByPeter Whitley
Response Date/Time10 Dec 2020 17:22

Results by  Created 19 Apr 2024 16:52