Scoring Enquiry

Number: 2

Race Number1
Sail Number54351
Boat NameBarba
Skipper's NameBenedict McKay
Sail Number of boat
finishing in front of me
Sail Number of boat
finishing behind me

Date/Time Received10 Dec 2020 13:08
RequestWe were on our last lap in second behind 56713(1st place) and the boat 56448 was in 5th but only on their first downwind and then finished the race only completing one lap. They were scored second but we were actually second because we completed the full two laps.I believe this pushed other boats a place behind what they should've been.
Response from RCCorrect score now showing.
Response ByPeter Whitley
Response Date/Time10 Dec 2020 13:08

Results by  Created 25 Apr 2024 12:20