Scoring Enquiry

Number: 19

Race Number1,2,3 and 5
Sail Number516
Boat Name
Skipper's NameRoan Tucker
Sail Number of boat
finishing in front of me
Sail Number of boat
finishing behind me

Date/Time Received12 Dec 2020 15:22
RequestI was timed out by a T293+ and it should be a 4,4,4 and a 2
Response from RCProblem arose due to registration of a different sail number to sail number used when racing. Please check your results. They have been amended. In future please inform the regatta office if you wish to use a sail number different to what was registered. No further action at this stage.
Response ByPeter Whitley
Response Date/Time12 Dec 2020 16:17

Results by  Created 27 Apr 2024 04:06