Hearing Decision

Hearing Number: 05

Event: Zhik Lake Mac NSW Youth Championships 2023Race Number: 9
Protesting Boat: 216149Protested Boat: 211566
Submitted Date/time:  02 Oct 2023 16:17
Hearing Details: Start line incident

Facts Found


1. About 10 seconds before the start of race 9, 216149 was holding position on starboard tack in the front row of boats below the start line.

2. 211566 reaching on starboard tack behind the front row, luffed up and established an overlap to leeward of 216149. 

3. As the overlap was established, 216149 sheeted on and steered up but contact occurred between the forward starboard hull section of 211566 and the rear port quarter of 216149.

4. There was no physical damage or injury.

5. After the incident 216566 tacked onto port and sailed well clear of other boats and completed a two-turn penalty.   



1. When acquiring right of way through her own actions, 211566 failed to initially give 216149 room to keep clear, and broke RRS 15.

2. 216149 to windward failed to keep clear of 211566 to leeward, and broke RRS 11, but as she was sailing within the room to which she was entitled, she is exonerated under RRS 43.1(b) for this breach.

2. 211566 did not avoid contact when it was reasonably possible, and broke RRS 14. 

3. It was not reasonably possible for 216149 the boat sailing within the room to which she was entitled to avoid contact with 211566 when it was clear that 211566 was not giving room. 216149 did not break RRS 14.

4. Since RRS 44.1(b) did not apply, 211566 took an applicable penalty by taking a Two-Turns Penalty.

Rule(s) applicable

 11, 15, 14, 43.1(b), 44.1(b), 44.1 & 44.2



Applicable penalty taken by 211566. Protest dismissed.

Jury Members

 Rowena Cremer, Kerry Burke , Alisdair Daines, Damien Boldyrew




Results by SailingResults.net  Created 25 Nov 2024 00:21