Hearing Decision

Hearing Number: 07

Event: Royal Brighton Yacht ClubRace Number: 2
Protesting Boat: B911Protested Boat: Fire Fox
Submitted Date/time:  26 Nov 2022 18:21
Hearing Details: Start line incident

Facts Found


1. SM385 and Sm288 approaching the start line with SM385 to windward of Sm288 with approximate 4-5 metres between the two boats

2. B911 approached from clear astern of SM385 and a slightly lower angle, travelling faster than SM385 and Sm288

3. When SM385 and SM288 were abreast of the barging mark off the rear of the start boat, B911 established an overlap between the two boats

4. There was approximately 3 meters gap to the Race Committee Vessel

5. B911 and Sm288 made contact, B911 altered course to windward and the bow of B911 made contact on the pushpit of Sm385

6. The wind was approximately 24 kts

7. There were choppy wave actions

8. No boats took a penalty

9. Two crew members on Sm288 suffered minor injuries

10. There was no damage to Sm288 or B911 and the pushpit on SM385 is bent




1. In acquiring right of way, B911 was required to give Sm385 room to keep clear which she did (rule 15)

2. In making contact with Sm288, B911 failed to keep clear as the windward boat (rule 11)

3. In subsequently altering course to windward and making contact with Sm385 she failed to initially give Sm385 room to keep clear (rule 16)

4. It was not reasonably possible for Sm385 or Sm288 to avoid contact.

5. The damage was not considered serious

Alt Conclusions

1. B911 to windward failed to keep clear of Sm288 to leeward, and broke RRS 11.

2. B911 did not avoid contact when it was reasonably possible, and broke RRS 14.

3. It was not reasonably possible for Sm288 the right-of-way boat to avoid contact with B911 when it was clear that B911 was not keeping clear. Sm288 did not break RRS 14.

4. When acquiring right of way through her own actions, B911 failed to initially give Sm385 room to keep clear, and broke RRS 15.

5. When changing course, Sm911 the right-of-way boat failed to give Sm385 room to keep clear, and broke RRS 16.1.

6. It was not reasonably possible for Sm385 the boat sailing within the room to which she was entitled to avoid contact with B911 when it was clear that B911 was not giving room. Sm385 did not break RRS 14.

7. B911 did not avoid contact when it was reasonably possible, and broke RRS 14.

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Rules that Apply:

8. 11, 14, 15, 16.1 - definition room


1. B911 is to be score DSQ in Race 2

Protest Committee:

John Mooney (Chairman), Jack Fullerton, Paul Pascoe

Rule(s) applicable

 8. 11, 14, 15, 16.1 - definition room


 B911 is to be score DSQ in Race 2

Jury Members

 John Mooney (Chairman), Jack Fullerton, Paul Pascoe




Results by SailingResults.net  Created 27 Jul 2024 18:53