Awarding Average points.

Type of Communication Change to Sailing Instructions
Number:  53
Issued Date:  01 Dec 2022 12:40

Awarding of percentage average points for boats that compete in approved interstate regattas.

Exec Summary:

  • Give percentage average points to boats that cannot compete due to special circumstances  
  • For this season these include volunteering, Sydney Nationals and the Wooden Boat Festival.
  • Determine the calculation method in advance of awarding.
  • Unlike a standard championship, our club race sizes vary significantly - so a percentage of average points of the boat’s score in races is better than a straight average of scores.


The NOR for the season allows boats to be awarded average points in the case where they cannot sail because they are volunteering but this is very rarely used. This year there are two events where the Club wishes to encourage participation by SSCBC boats but as a direct consequence they may be unable to compete in some aggregate races.

1.Couta Boat Nationals.

Awarded Races - Aggregate races conducted up to 15 days from return to WBS in which she does not compete. 

2.Wooden Boat Festival.

At least one boat is planning to attend the Wooden Boat Festival.  

Awarded Races - Aggregate races in the minimum period required to transport to the festival, participate and return.

Calculation of Percentage Average Points

  • ”Percentage points” are a boat’s score divided by the score for DNC in that race.
  • “Awarded races” are the races where percentage average points are awarded
  • “Relevant races” are the races used for calculating percentage average points

The Percentage Average Points for an Awarded Race are the average of the Percentage Points of the Relevant Races applied to the score for DNC in that race. (to the nearest tenth of a point, 0.05 to be rounded upwards)

Relevant races for averaging.

CBA Nationals boats Aggregate Races 15 days after return to WBS through to the races completed on Sat 14 Jan (excluding the awarded races).

WBF Races Aggregate races up to those completed on the 4th February.


SI 11 is changed to include awarding average points to boats that were unable to race due to participation in approved interstate regattas.

Add to SI 11 - "A boat many not request request for an action under this rule. This changes RRS 60.1 (b)." 




Ben Fels - Sailing Manager

Results by  Created 27 Jul 2024 11:23