Change to A6.1

Type of Communication Change to Sailing Instructions
Number:  52
Issued Date:  24 Nov 2022 19:34

RRS A6.1 is changed to “If a boat is disqualified from a race, or retires after finishing, or is scored did not sail the course, each boat with a worse finishing place shall be moved up one place” 

Information - This is due to a technical detail from the change to the last rule book that no one picked up on. World Sailing is changing the rule as an Emergencey Rule Change on 1 January 2023 - We have changed it now.

It basically means races will be scored how they are expected to be scored. 

If you're interested in the nitty gritty - here is the submission that was amended and approved by World Sailing


Ben Fels - Sailing Manager

Results by  Created 27 Jul 2024 18:27